7 Days Fun Hiking Rwenzori Mountains Trip


(6.00 Rating )

Departure  :  Entebbe Airport

Departure Time  :  Approximately 09:00

Include  :  Transport , Breakfast

Not Include  :  Personal Guide

Rwenzori Mountains are the pinnacle of extreme adventure lovers, with a lot of challenging fun
physical activities surrounded by a heavenly environment that immediately calms you down during
your climb to the secret treasures of the Mountain of the Moon. Once reaching the top one is
stunned with these awesome flora and sights of the ever-beautiful horizon.

what should you know ?

Filled with cool, soft
fresh air that will satisfy you from tiresome hiking moments. The Rwenzori is a next to a lot of
wonderful attraction that one would engage in after a hike to Rwenzori Mountain. Such as the
Queen Elizabeth Park. With super leisure accommodations for your later unwinding and relaxations.

Here is a more Detailed Day to Day travel itinerary.

Day 1: Travel to Kasese Town from Kampala.
Early Morning you shall be picked up by Trekman SafarisGuide in the comfort of the 4X4 tourist van
we shall set off to kasese leaving Kampala, having a brief Stopover around the Equator for great
memories and photographic moments, and simple snacks at Lukaaya for Chicken, Goats Muchomos
with refreshments. Embarking to the journey we shall then drive through many farm lands and tea
plantations awesome sights to look at. Reaching Kasese for our lunch and simple Drive and city Tour
of the Town. With relaxation in preparation for the awesome fun trip the next Day.

Overnight at Rwenzori Travellers Hotel / TJ Global Hotel

Day 2: Hiking the mountain of the Moon Ranges.
This hiking safari takes you to Mountain Rwenzori National Park for mountain climbing.
Day One of the Hike: Nyakalengija (1615m) – Nyabitaba Hut
The Central Circuit starts at the Rwenzori Mountaineering Services -RMS offices. After you
should arrive in the morning to allow ample equipment and meet your guides and porters.
The bypassing througl1 farmland to the park boundary bl it follows the Mubuku river,
crossing its Mahoma tribe starting a long, steep climb up onto a massive ric Nyabitaba hut.
Th-e hike takes around 5 hours.
During this part of the trip you may hear chimpanzees, black and white colobus, blue
monkey and the coloured Rwenzori turaco.
Day Two of the Hike:  Nyabitaba (2651 m) – Mubuku River (2l Matte Hut (3505m)
This involves a demanding 7+ hour trek up to John the Central Circuit ‘proper’ starts a few
hundred ME Nyabitaba where the trail divides. The right fork I peaks up the Bujuku valley
while the path on the le1 the subsequent descent.
The trail leads to the Kurt Shafer Bridge which Mubuku valley just below the river’s
confluence wit I valley. Beyond the river, a muddy, slippery trail clip up through bamboo
After a five hour trek is the start of the giant lobelia ar zone, a vegetation type limited to
East Africa’s highes the final hour’s walk to John Matte hut passé! Challenging bog full of
extraordinary plants!!
Day Three of the Hike: John Matte (3505m) to Bujuku (3962m) The route fords the Bujuku
River as you cross the bog, A steep climb follows to reach the Upper Big a boardwalk has
been constructed to assist walk weather, there are superb views of Mt. Stanley at this
cavernous, glacier-carved valley. Above the bog steady climb ovell” glacial moraine, criss-
crossing the trail reaches the lovely Lake Bujuku. The last stage of the 3-5 hour hike to
Bujuku Hut past Cooking Pot Cave is perhaps the muddiest stage of the expedition. The hut
is well placed for parties climbing Mt. Speke.

Day Four of the Hike: Bujuku (3962m) – Scott Elliott Pass (4372m) Kitandara (4023m) From
Bujuku hut, the trail crosses more mud before climbing steeply through a forest of giant
groundsels, climbing a short metal ladder to ascend the Groundsel Gully. Above the gully, a
branch in the trail climbs directly to Elena Hut (4430m) for the ascent of Margherita peak on
Mt. Stanley (5109m). This climb needs an ice axe, mountain boots, crampons and ropes.
The main trail continues up a steep scree slope over Scott Elliot pass, the highest point on
the circuit. The pass provides fabulous views back down the Bujuku valley and of Mts.
Stanley and Baker towering above. Beyond the pass, the route runs downhill beneath the
massive cliffs of Mt. Baker. After passing Upper Lake Kitandara, the 3-5 hour hike ends at
the hut beside Lower Lake Kitandara, a beautiful site surrounded by towering peaks.
Day Five of the Hike: Kitandara (4023m) – Freshfield Pass (4282m) – Guy Yeoman
(3505m) Freshfield is a long flat traverse through tracts of fabulously colorful moss (and
more mud), beyond which the long descent to Nyakalengija begins. The hike to Guy Yeoman
hut takes around 5 hours. The hut enjoys a lovely location close to the Mubuku River with
terrific views of the looming Mt. Baker to the north.
Day Six:/Seven of the Hike: Guy Yeoman (3505m) – Nyabitaba (2651 m) The descent to
Nyabitaba takes around 5 hours but with an early start it is possible to make it all the way
down to Nyakalengija. Below Guy Yeoman, the route descends the cliffs of Kichuchu.
Beyond Kichuchu the muddy path crosses the Mubuku River twice before climbing upwards
to Nyabitaba to complete the circuit.
Day Seven: Nyabitaba (2651m) – Nyakalengija (1615m) The descent from Nyabitaba to
Nyakalengija takes 2-3 hours.
Day 9, Travel back to Kampala.
Early Morning after our great breakfast we shall then transfer to back to Kampala through Queen
Elizabeth to spot out a few animals while driving back home. Traveling through Fort portal for a
lunch break then Embank to our journey to reach Kampala. Later that evening marking the end of
our 4 Days trip to The Rwenzori Mountains leaving us with countless memories of fun Tribes Africa

Health and safety on the trail Hikers should familiarize themselves with the symptoms and
treatment of hypothermia and the various forms of altitude sickness (see Osmaston’s Guide
to the Rwenzori). Above 2500m, altitude sickness can affect anyone, irrespective of age,
fitness or previous mountain experience. The most effective treatment is descent to a lower
Good behavior at the huts and on the trail is appreciated · The park operates a ‘Leave no
trace’ policy. Collect all waste and make sure you or your porters take it out of the park.
Please use the latrines provided at huts.
 Respect others in the huts by sharing space at the stoves and talking quietly.

 Observe the prohibition on wood fires which degrade the park’s vegetation. Gas
cookers are provided by Rwenzori Mountaineering Services.
 During periods of bad weather, it may be necessary to wait more than one night at
huts to ease congestion ahead.
 Minimize damage to the trails by following your guide closely and avoid making new
Trekman Safaris travel agency is looking forward to being a part of your travel story as we Explore
the Pearl of Africa-Uganda.


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